It seems the Catholic station I stopped on was talking about how people are taught by the Holy Spirit the Bible. Upon listening some more I had the displeasure of hearing the two Catholic show hosts explain how that people cannot discern the Bible. They didn’t outright say so but the feeling I got was that the Holy Spirit is unable to teach people God’s Word. They then gave an example to show how people cannot know what the Bible says. That example was the fact that there are so many different denominations. This proves that people cannot discern the Bible and that we should all be only reading the holy Catholic catechism.
There were a few things that disturbed me about this Catholic radio show, first they referred to the Holy Bible as “the Bible” and the Catholic catechism as the Holy catechism. Secondly, the way they talked about our inability to discern the Holy Bible even with the Holy Spirit’s help was very upsetting. Thirdly, they totally ignored the fact that people harden their hearts to God’s Word, which is a problem with many denominations not just the Catholic Church.
The fact that the Catholic’s on this show referred to the catechism as Holy and not the Bible shows there lack of respect for the Word of God. By doing this they put the catechism in the place of authority over the Bible. The Holy Bible is the authority and anything that contradicts it, including the Catholic catechism, should be ignored as authoritative. After all, the Catholic catechism (just like the Mormon books, the Koran, the literature of the Jehovah Witnesses, and the writings of Cornelius M. Stam) are written by humans. The Bible on the other hand is written by God through man. The Bible says it is the inspired word of God.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished to all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
So therefore the truth is the Holy Bible is the book we should trust above all others.Like I said, the way they were talking about the Holy Spirit and our inability to discern God’s Word disturbed me greatly. This is because the Holy Spirit is the best teacher we have to teach us the Holy Bible. He is the one who wrote the Holy Bible through people. Who better to teach us the Word of God then the writer Himself.
The hosts saying that it is because of a lack of discernment was only partly correct. The truth is that most of the trouble comes from people hardening their hearts to God and His Word. That is one of the reasons we have so many different denominations. It seems we are only willing to grow with God so much before we harden our hearts and refuse to grow anymore. What happens is someone shows the people at their church that something they believe is misunderstood or wrong and the people at the church refuse to change to fall in line with the Bible. They come up with many reasons why they believe what they believe. The people see that the denomination they are apart of won’t fall in line with the Bible and seek to start their own denomination. The same thing happens time and time again until you get what we have today, many denominations with their own sets of beliefs.
There are of course some other reasons for many denominations; like not wanting to believe the Bible is the authority, or that they can’t understand the full truth of God so they come up with their own way to understand the Bible. There are many more reasons for many denominations readers of this post can probably come up with a few. The way we are, sinful, combined with a sin cursed universe causes all kinds of denominational problems, but lack of discernment of the Holy Bible is mainly caused by a hardened heart and not by the Holy Spirit's inability to teach us.
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Ephesians 4:30
Ephesians 4:30
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