In ancient times they would paint or draw demons to look hideous not because they actually thought they looked that way, but because they were making fun of them. They were trying to show the demons that they weren't afraid of them. Hundreds of years later that truth is lost and replaced with fanciful ideas that make us afraid of demons.
Well, all demons are is fallen angels. And the angels as a whole were created by God.
Even Satan himself is a fallen angel. There really is no need to be afraid of them, even if you have one pretending to be a ghost; yes, that is all a ghost is, a fallen angel trying to keep you from believing the truth. After all, if you are believing in ghosts you won’t believe that you actually will either go to heaven or hell when you die. You will believe that you might be stuck in some horrific limbo where you constantly relive your dying moment. The more you believe in ghosts the less likely you are to believe God and His Word the Bible. By getting us to believe in other things and not the Bible fallen angels get what they really want, you and me to burn in hell right along side them.
That is the only thing scary about fallen angels, they don’t care about us at all. I dare say, I believe they hate us, humans, with a passion. That is why they go to all kinds of links to deceive us in to not believing God. They want us to burn in hell. Their hatred of us has tainted their sense abilities and they will do anything in their power to get us to not believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is simple enough, believe that God the Son, Jesus Christ, died for your sins, was buried, and rose the third day and you will be saved from your sins and the punishment for them.. If the fallen angels can keep us from believing that simple truth they get to watch us throughly burning for ever.
That is the truth.
The nice thing is that even though they are trying to keep us from believing God, whom we all know exists, they do have their limits as to what they can do to us. That is why they primarily stick to deception and tempting tactics to try and keep us from believing the truth. They know that they can stick one to God every time one of us dies and goes to hell. A good example of how they are limited in what they can do to us is in the book of Job.
In Job chapter 1 we see Satan and God talking about Job and God allows Satan to do things in Jobs life only Satan is not allowed to harm Job. The things that happen to Job’s family, flocks, and servants are scary things indeed, but what we need to see is that Satan was not allowed to do anything to Job’s life without getting God’s permission first. The other thing we need to see is that Satan was limited in what he could effect in Job’s life. I believe that most of what Satan and the other fallen angels are allowed to do in our lives is similar to this.
For instance, they are primarily allowed to try and deceive and tempt us. We also need to remember that they don’t have bills to pay, family to take care of, and cope with the woes of this sin cursed world. All they do all day and night is watch us. While they watch us they try to figure out ways to keep us from trusting and believing God. And if we do turn to God and believe Him, they then try to hamper our lives to keep us from telling others about how to be saved from our sins. Unfortunately, they are quite successful at getting people to believe falsehoods such as the Koran, Mormon books, Jehovah Witness literature, Catholic catechism, etc. Because of our sin nature we have a tendency to want to stay away from God and we try to come up with new ways to deny His existence. The fallen angels just feed our thoughts with things to help us along.
They have been doing it for so long, since creation almost 6000 years ago, that they have gotten quite good at their wicked ways.
Because of the influence they have on our thoughts people believe in evolution, witch craft, false gods, ghosts, etc. all thanks to the probing and prodding of fallen angels. Their influence on our thoughts has caused some of the most horrific crimes to come to happen. Because of these false ways of thinking we have been graced with such things as abortion, sacrificing of humans to idols and false gods, homosexuality, murder, rape, and all manner of abuses upon each other and ourselves. Since we are sinful in our heart, until we get saved from our sins, it is pretty easy for them to tempt our thoughts with all manner of debauchery.
And as we get deeper into our sins they feed our thoughts with more wickedness. It is then that we start to love our sins, especially sexual, and try to justify them. As humanity as a whole slips further into sin and justifying it the more corrupt society gets, and before you know it we are a world of miscreants destined to a life of hell fire.
So the next time you see a cup mysteriously move on its own, or are tempted to sin just remember all they are is fallen angels. The truth lies in the Holy Bible. The fallen Angels don't want us reading it so they like to caused us to doubt it. Throw a fallen angel for a loop, read and believe the Bible.
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